Testing the Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm Wheels

Par | Publié le 16 March 2014 | Mis à jour le 3 November 2020 | Catégories : All All | Sous-catégories : Tests and reviews of rollerskates Tests and reviews of rollerskates | 22097
| Tags : boom wheels XXFirm Wheels Atom Boom 110 mm Atom Boom wheels

We entrusted two sets of Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm wheels to our testers and to two elite skaters. With EOSkates as its new distributor, Atom’s comeback will not go unnoticed in France, Germany and Switzerland. The Boom has some serious assets…

roues atom boom 110mm small


Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm Wheels

About Atom

Atom is one of the most famous brands in the world, both for quad and inline skating. Atom paid for the services of quite a brand ambassador with none the less than Joey Mantia (USA).

Atom is distributed worldwide by Nistevo and since recently has been distributed in Europe by EOSkates. Their products should be found more and more often in France.

In 2013, Atom launched the Boom wheel on the market, a model with an innovating core design.

The Boom Wheel

Just like all the high-end models of the moment, the Boom has a double density on-core. But unlike the other brands, the double density band is not in direct contact with the core: it has been raised of a few millimeters for it to melt into the on-core.

That change modifies the physical properties of the on-core, which become more rigid and more rolling with still a soft inside for less energy loss.


Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm Wheels

The finishing is excellent on both the inside and outside of our test sets. No bubbles, no drip, no bumps, to declare on the core or the on-core.


You need to force a bit to insert bearings. The positive part is that they are efficiently held, contrary to some models where the bearings just come off by themselves.


It is the strong point of the wheel. One of our testers was expecting to get stuck on straight lines, but in fact the rolling perfectly fits marathon-type long distance efforts.

The rolling is excellent. The XXFirm enhances rolling sensations.


Despite the hardness of the wheel, it is very pleasant and stable in bends. No interferences or vibrations on smooth or more damaged roads.


The rebound it quite good. As for the sound of it, no abrupt rebound is to be noticed.


The grip is one of the great qualities of the wheel, especially on road where it expresses its full potential. On the other hand, the XXFirm version may lack a little grip at high speed on slippery tracks like that of Pibrac. On track, you’d better opt for the Xfirm, or even for the Firm version.

Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm Wheels

We have also tested the Atom Boom in the rain. Although the grip does not compete with that of the MPC Storm, it remains satisfactory.

Wear and tear

We started the test with a 40 km outing on a winding circuit with sharp bends (Plaisance-du-Touch).

The inside of the wheel quickly showed signs or wear. We went on with a training on straight line: the wear seems more regular on roads or tracks but it remains a weak point of the wheel.

Quality-price ratio

Compared to the competition, the MPC Turbo (20€ in 110 mm) or the Matter G13 (21.25€ in 110 mm), the Atom Boom is well placed with a slightly lower price (18€).


Still not really known by the general public in France, the Atom Boom has many assets to seduce you: a good rolling, a great grip in bends. The first conclusive tests at the World Championships were no trifle. There is no doubt about the growing presence of that wheel at the feet of skaters of all levels, and that Atom is going to tantalize big brands such as Matter or MPC, settled on the market for years.

Technical facts

Brand: Atom
Model: Boom
Year: 2013/2014
Available diameters: 90, 100 and 110 mm
Available hardnesses: Firm, XFirm and XXFirm
Public price: 18 € per unit

Strong points and points to be improved

+ rolling
+ grip in bends
+ quality-price ratio

– wear


EOSkates and Nistevo Sport Manufacturing Corp. annoncent un partenariat stratégique

ATOM wheels on EOSkates Website

Tested by our team
Photos: Alfathor
Thanks to EOSkates 



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Alexandre Chartier


Alexandre est le fondateur et webmaster de rollerenligne.com depuis 2003. C'est un passionné de roller en général, tant en patin traditionnel qu'en roller en ligne. Il aime le patinage à roulettes sous tous ses aspects : histoire, économie, sociologie, évolution technologique... Aspirine et/ou café recommandés si vous abordez un de ces sujets !


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  • 3 réponses pour “Testing the Atom Boom 110 mm XXFirm Wheels

    1. Zoran

      Interesting to hear that, I had the same problem.
      Bought the wheels in April and noticed a couple months later cracked hubs on exactly the same location on two of the wheels. I got the wheels replaced by Nistevo though./

    2. Hitori

      does this wheel work on very smooth surfaces

    3. aarush

      Bought a set of 8 wheels in July (2014). One wheel developed a large crack in the hub (in the walls of the opening where bearings go). The rest of the wheels seem fine so far. I really hope that it’s just an isolated problem rather than a general problem with the whole line.

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