Let us discover your association on OLS!

Par | Publié le 27 October 2011 | Mis à jour le 2 November 2020 | Catégories : All Hybrids Rollerski/skiroll | Sous-catégories : Article actualité | 40612
| Tags : club presentation association presentation roller association skating association roller skating association

Let us discover your association on OLS!

In recent months, online-skating.com released a new section dedicated to roller-skating clubs and associations. Each club or association can introduce itself through an article. To do this, nothing could be simpler! Just complete the information below and return them by email to contact@online-skating.com

Fact sheet

Name of the club/association :
Disciplines practiced:
Main discipline:
Affiliated to a federation? yes/no
Web site:
Facebook page:
Logo : (send you logo and a few pictures add it in the article)

Your association

History of your club

(Why did you created it? In what context? How has it evolved over the years? successes, challenges …)

The financial, human and material resources available to operate

(staff, track, gymnasium, etc.)

Objective for the current season

(Travel plans, participation in competitions … please develop your answer)


(list of you sponsors if you wish…)

Could you tell us a few words about roller-skating in your country?

Is it a popular sport? How many skaters? What is the main practice?

Express yoursef

(add something important to you about your club!)

Chiffres clés sur le club

Current number of members::
Record of members:
Created on :
Titles/results :

Useful links

Add useful links about your association or roller-skating in your country.

Written by:
Photos by:



''Press Release''

Le communiqué de presse est le meilleur ami du journaliste en panne d'inspiration ! Merci à l'ensemble des clubs qui nous font parvenir des informations sur leurs événements à venir, leurs résultats de matchs ou de courses et bien d'autres choses utiles à partager...

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