Test: aggressive skating – Bake frames

Par | Publié le 16 April 2013 | Mis à jour le 3 November 2020 | Catégories : Aggressive skating All All | Sous-catégories : Tests and reviews of rollerskates Tests and reviews of rollerskates | 12811
| Tags : Bake frames aggressive skating frames aggressive frames

It is never easy for a new brand to enter on the aggressive skating market. However, four riders from Liverpool (United Kingdom): Andy Birch, Alex Brunton, Ash Gavin and Jordan Jones launched a new concept: Bake frames…

test bake frame small

Test of Bake frames

Bake frames in two parts before assembly

Bake released a “Powerframe” (an aggressive frame with large diameter wheels). The Bake frame has a flat setup which can host wheels up to 4x72mm. With only four employees, one can clearly classify “bake” in the category of the very small businesses. What kind of product can propose a firm founded by 4 amateur riders? We tested this famous Bake Frame for you…

Platine Bake montée sur une paire de Xsjado 2.0

Technical facts

First of all, this is a two parts frame : two identical parts which are separated in the lengthwise direction. Both sides fit together with small pins (see the first picture). The mounting is securely held by conventional 8mm axles .

The Excess of weight due to the mounting does not affect the skating. In general, when you choose a flat setup, there is less concern about 100 more grams!

The quality of mounting of the H-block is not perfect but the part that host the screws is well adjusted. This is certainly a choice made by Bake to reduce its production’s costs. The small company has certainly not the means of major brands to produce its frames.
A tip: Use a small hammer to improve the consistency of the H-block and to tighten it… However, this is not really useful. It is rather a question of aesthetics.

The mounting of the frames on the skates is fairly easy. It is a bit harder to enter the wheels in the frames. We noticed that the axles that hold both parts of the frame are also used in order not to lose the screws connecting the deck to the shell during disassembly.
Despite the shape of the H-block, central wheels are removable without removing the outer wheels. Once again, that detail shows the the frames are well designed. The protection of UFS screws is here to prevent small branches or stones from getting stuck between the wheels and damaging the screw heads.

The Bake Frame accepts wheels up to 72 mm. Unfortunately, Bake only proposes one size of frame. However, it fits most of skate sizes quite well.

Le H-block de la platine Bake a un peu de jeu


Tim - Top AcidThe sliding on wall is excellent, especially for top tricks. We made ??the same observation on rails and copings. The height eases the stalling, you are more stable.
The good shape of the H-block gives confidence on rails, copings, walls, even if the diameter of wheels is rather large.
The angle of the skate during royal slides is obvisously more pronounced, due to the height of the frame. But once you did a dozen of slides, you get used to it. It’s like skating an worn frame and a new frame…

The sliding is very fast, this was probably one of the goals of Bake… this goad is reached! Bake has focused on speed and maneuverability without sacrificing sliding. A good point for this frame.
Top trick are easy to stall once you found the good angle to approach the spot. Since the frame is higher, it takes a bit more time to adjust your skating.

If there was an improvement to make about the sliding, that would be on rails with a diameter not far from the diameter of the H-block. When the frame is still new, the mounting surrounds the rail and brakes. This point can be corrected by changing the angle on the rail. You have to get used to the size of the wheels. Nevertheless, this incident is rare.


72 mm wheels give this frame a really good responsiveness, it turns quickly and well. Despite an aggressive skating oriented conception ,this frame is not so far from a  freeskate frame and not too heavy. The stiffness is really good, as well as stability. The Bake frame is rather long, so it remains stable at high speeds. Speaking of speed, the 72mm wheels clearly could be small for freeskating but provides a perfect compromise for street sessions. They are very pleasant to skate from a spot to another one. Further more, you can reach higher speeds in comparison with street wheels. Last but not least, skating is more comfortable on rough surfaces.

The frame is more stable and maneuverable, you feel it while skating: taking speed is different from a classic aggressive frame. Moderation is mandatory during the first session. You have to take into account the speed when you approach the spot. Nevertheless, this frame is a real happiness in aggressive skating! Getting started in skateparks with Bake frames is less evident, but again it is a matter of time and habit..


With a two parts frame, sturdiness is still questioned. Bake frames are still very young but seems quite strong. The pair we bot has been tested by several types of skaters (more or less experienced). We tried to make them suffer as much as possible and nothing has changed. No looseness to report. The wear is normal.


Bake frame is still a young company created by a group of friends but they produced a really serious product. They studied and worked hard on this concept before releasing the frame on the market. You quickly get confidence in this “Powerblade” frame and you skate it like a classic aggressive frame, with the same ease.Despite a few points to improve, this frame was a great surprise that deserves its place in the landscape of aggressive skating. Count € 110 with bearings and wheels, the value for money is good. The Bake frame will interest aggressive skaters looking for more speed during their sessions… This will also be interesting for freeriders who want to improve their sliding.

Bobor : Back Full Torque

Strong points and points to be improved

Strong points

+ The sliding
+ The speed
+ Versatility of the frame in street sessions and skateparks
+ Good value for money

Points to be improved

– Lack of precision in the mounting
– Only one size of frame available

Technical sheet

Brand: Bake
Model: Powerframe complete (back edition)
Type: flat frame
Diameter of wheels: up to 72mm
H-block : large and pre-shaped
Axles : 8 mm
Includes: 8 Kryptonics wheels, 16 bearings, hardware (screws and axles)
Recommended price: 109,50 €
Comments: a two parts frame. Axles have to be mounted

Photo gallery


This frame is available on Bake’s Web Site

Text and photos by Tim Brière and Thomas Bordier
Test: Tim Brière


Alexandre Chartier


Alexandre est le fondateur et webmaster de rollerenligne.com depuis 2003. C'est un passionné de roller en général, tant en patin traditionnel qu'en roller en ligne. Il aime le patinage à roulettes sous tous ses aspects : histoire, économie, sociologie, évolution technologique... Aspirine et/ou café recommandés si vous abordez un de ces sujets !


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